10 Ways to Robot-Proof Your High School

  1. Keep the focus on proficiency, not attendance, compliance, or seat time.

  2. Beyond teaching basic skills that students need to make progress, don’t ask them to spend a lot of time doing work that machines can do more easily, quickly, and efficiently.

  3. Make learning project-based as often as possible. And make the projects real. Ask students to find out what your community needs, then help them think creatively about how they’d meet those needs.

  4. Student projects will naturally take more time and students will make a lot of mistakes. Don’t worry. Focus projects as much as possible on the learning, not the product.

  5. Give students more support … and more autonomy. Remember, their brain plasticity at this age resembles that of toddlers.

  6. Stop asking students, “What are you passionate about?” Instead, ask: “What are you curious about? What problems do you want to solve? What do you need to learn to solve those problems?”

  7. Stop teaching foreign languages! Teach cultural history, awareness, and sensitivity instead. And prioritize travel. Figure out how to give your students as many travel experiences as possible.

  8. Don’t worry about making students “lifelong learners.” Follow the advice of Science Leadership Academy’s Chris Lehmann and aim for “lifelong intellectuals” instead.

  9. Build curricula that instill comfort with continual - and accelerating - change.  Don’t let the adults’ discomfort with change prevent the children from grappling with the only reality they will know.

  10. Develop a new Humanities curriculum that emphasizes discernment of values, biases, and unintended consequences.  These will be key human inputs in collaboration with increasingly intelligent machine systems when today’s children are adult workers.